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Santa misa sacerdotes religiosos y religiosas de Proe Ecclesia Sancta

Born from the Sacred Heart: 

at the service of God and neighbor
Laicos consagrados y consagradas alegres Pro Ecclesia Sancta
We are a Family

of priests, consecrated men and women, and lay people who, moved by God, who is Love, have given our lives to the mission we have received from our founder: To live and promote the universal call to holiness through the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, putting into practice the Ignatian heritage our founder left us.  

The joy of working as a family, united in the Heart of Jesus, leads us to put at the service of the Lord all the gifts He has given us, especially serving those most in need.

is our holy obsession for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, under the maternal encouragement of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and the protection of Saint Joseph. 

Jesus Christ

Adoración hora santa religiosas novicias Pro Ecclesia Sancta

that our founder, Fr. Pablo Menor, left to us as his legacy. These are the firm and sure support that allow us to face the difficulties that may arise.

The foundation of our lives are the 

7 basic


1.  Spirit of Prayer

2. Spirit of Self-denial

3. Love of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist

4. Love to Our Lady

5. A Spirit of Vigilance (examination of conscience, spiritual direction and frequent confession)

6. A Serious Knowledge of the Faith

7. Annual Retreat

Hora santa custodia sacerdote bendición Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Pro Ecclesia Sancta is a catholic institute of consecrated life. It is made up of priests, religious men and women and lay members, founded by Fr. Pablo Menor, S.J., in Lima, Peru. We were formally approved in 2012 as an Ecclesial Family of Diocesan Right.  

The institute unites two separate branches: a male branch, composed of religious men, some of whom are clergy, and a female branch, composed of religious women. The formal incorporation of lay persons in also in the process of being formalized. The entire institute has as its end the living and promoting of the universal call to holiness and perfection by means of the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ad maximam Trinitatis gloriam ("for the greatest glory of the Blessed Trinity").

Pro Ecclesia Sancta is an institute of Catholic consecrated life made up of priests, consecrated men and women, and laity, founded by Father Pablo Menor SJ in Lima, Peru. We were formally approved in 2012 as an Ecclesial Family of Diocesan Law.  

It is made up of two separate branches: a male branch made up of consecrated persons, among whom are clerics, and a female branch.  composed of consecrated  The lay presence is being structured.

Its purpose is to live and promote the universal vocation to holiness and perfection through the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Ad Maximam Trinitatis Gloriam.

It sounded

An old man of eighty plus years was the instrument through whom Pro Ecclesia Sancta was set on its path in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Padre Pablo menor sosteniendo bebe Pro Ecclesia Sancta
Padre Pablo Menor silla de ruedas libros Pro Ecclesia Sancta
Padre Pablo Menor guitarra religiosos Pro Ecclesia Sancta
in the Lord,

whom he loved with all his heart, Fr. Menor, throughout his life, assented to and labored to bring about a series of apostolic initiatives which led to what is today Pro Ecclesia Sancta.

Foto antigual Padre Pablo Menor aposotolado Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Fr. Pablo Menor, SJ

The writings

of the apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Fr. Pablo Menor, SJ

To be one with the Church


Padre Pablo Menor sonriendo Pro Ecclesia Sancta
Religiosos y religiosas de Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Who we are

Fundador Pro Ecclesia Sancta padre Pablo Menor

Our Founder

Santa misa celebrada por sacerdotes Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Our History

Homilia sacerdote Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Our History

Cruz San Damiano Corazón de Jesús Pro Ecclesia Sancta

God has shown us His irrevocable love in so many ways through all these years. He has always guided us despite our errors and infidelities. 

Padre Pablo Menor joven fundador Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Pablo Menor, who, moved by the Sacred Heart of Jesus and his calling to holiness, initiated with great labors a diverse array of apostolic endeavors that sought to help the laity to respond to God’s love by surrendering their lives to Him. 

It all began with a newly-ordered Jesuit

is proclaimed with greater vigor in the life of the Church after the Second Vatican Council articulates it definitively, confirming what Fr. Menor had always experienced intensely in his soul:

The universal call to

“all the faithful of Christ are invited to strive for the holiness and perfection of their own proper state. Indeed they have an obligation to so strive.”

Lumen Gentium 5, 42

YEAR 1965

Padre Pablo Menor joven religioso Pro Ecclesia Sancta

which was to include priests, religious (both men and women) and laypersons.


YEAR 1981

In 1981, Fr. Menor came to understand that the Sacred Heart was asking him to found a

Seminaristas y sacerdotes Padre Pablo Menor Pro Ecclesia Sancta

Towards the end of the same year, the first religious disciples of the founder, our current Fathers Superior, then only 21 and 23 years of age, met Fr. Menor though a providential encounter. Fr. Menor was already 82 years old. 

God is good!

YEAR 1981

Padre Pablo Menor custodia Pro Ecclesia Sancta

in response to the Sacred Heart’s desire that Pro Ecclesia Sancta exist for the service of God and neighbor at the tumultuous outset of the 21st century and beyond.

they set themselves to work

Their subsequent interactions with our founder had a profound impact on these young men. From then on, 

YEAR 1981

toward the priesthood, and the first two aspirants were soon joined by others .

They began their studies

YEAR 1983

After years of effort and difficulties, more and more young people joined. Everything began to unfold and fit together by God's design. On June 29, 1992, after the arrival of the first consecrated women, Pro Ecclesia Sancta begins, which soon spreads outside of Peru.

Diáconos y padre Pablo Menor Pro Ecclesia Sancta

In the year 1992, with the arrival of the

first sisters,

YEAR 1992

After years of effort and difficulties, more and more young people joined. Everything began to unfold and fit together by God's design. On June 29, 1992, after the arrival of the first consecrated women, Pro Ecclesia Sancta begins, which soon spreads outside of Peru.

Pro Ecclesia Sancta officially began, and it soon started to spread both within Peru and abroad. 

Religiosas historia Pro Ecclesia Sancta
This Institute is, in the end, that
"labor of love"

that was prayed for, silently but with great insistence, over many years.

Ad maximam trinitatis gloriam!
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